Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Issb........, I didnt get selected...!

yaar blog, I know that I have that substance in me,
one way or the other I will reach the point I want to reach
ok, I cried alot on this,
coz I know that I wanted it, and I deserved it like hell
but mene kb dua ki thi k God give me this.......!
I always said
"Allah give me what I want and what is better for me."
So maybe I have something better enstored for me


Anonymous said...

How optimistic of you!

Goddamn our system!!!!! I guess He has already forsaken us! He did found out our worth, after all! Smile for p , n and q, Beelzebub is yet to come.

Ok I am badly pissed off!!!!


Mommin said...

Did u wish to be in the fighting arm(do they allow that?) or medical servies?

Y@mna rehman khan...! said...

cool down yaar,
maybe it was not my time...,

well mommin, actually I applied for aeronautical engineering..!
but its test is also taken in three dimensions, including the physical dimension...!

Mommin said...

why dont u do a BBA from a good uni? I think it will complement u as a person. It has a nice combination of science and arts subjects?

Y@mna rehman khan...! said...

well, its an option, but not my preference...!
like MBA is almost a must, whatever you are, an MBA would always complement you...!
but i want some other basic lines for maself too..!

Mommin said...

Well Yamna,
wishing u well with ur journey-hope u enjoy the ride!