I am a free but clumsy spirit...!
Floating in the n-dimensions of my dreams and stumbling over and over..!
It,s never I that make the thing go wrong [I is a good girl... good enough to plash and splash ], around me everything happens itself...
on its own...! and believe me every time it happens it happens for the bad...! :grin
I agree with you, but there is more to it, like I believe we r humans and we should be, should be, feeling things, but whining, moaning, crying..., and not moving forward and not believing in the fate that Allah created for the better......, I dont agree with this.....!
I think we torutre ourselves, if you are refering to mankind that is. Beacuase if you ask me they were always fickle and the sadatist kind.
I agree with you, but there is more to it, like I believe we r humans and we should be, should be, feeling things,
but whining, moaning, crying..., and not moving forward and not believing in the fate that Allah created for the better......,
I dont agree with this.....!
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