Tuesday, July 28, 2009

biggy big......... [mood :- cracked headed]

Big things happen,

.........................But smaller make them do.......!


Anonymous said...

Just last night I was thinking that nothing great/special happens or can happen in this world, (with perhaps the exception of armagedon or world war 3), its just us.

Everything has taking its toll dear. There have been genrations before us.

Y@mna rehman khan...! said...

My dear, every, every thing is just us..., for it cannot be otherwise.

Big or small are,nt quantities, never they have been....!

They are words of our world,
It rained , for me its a great thing, BIGGGGG one....,
somebody out far in denmark died, small thing..!

for my grandpa,s , maybe world war 3 does,nt matters even.

Anonymous said...

We ain't one the same frequency yumi for the first time I think..

Ahhh distances!

Y@mna rehman khan...! said...

its just that we are on different trains of thoughts...,