Friday, November 28, 2008


We are a part of His dream and He wants His dream to be a happy one.Thus if we acknowledge that God created us for happiness ,then we have to assume that everything that leads to sadness and defeat is our own doing.That,s the reason we always kill God, whether on the cross, by fire, through exile or simply in our hearts.

By the river piedra I sat down and wept
Paul coelhoo

another from it

There are many wayz to commit suicide.Those who try to kill the body violate GOD,s law. Those who try to kill the soul also violate God,s law, even though their crime is less visible to otherz....


Intellectual Solitude said...

paulo all time favourite! :)

Y@mna rehman khan...! said...

much food for thought, and a great deal of observations and derivations, in a relatively small sized book...!